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Details for: TRAVASOL


DIN DIN name Active Ingredient(s) Strength Dosage Form Route of Administration
00872296TRAVASOLPHENYLALANINE; METHIONINE; L-LYSINE (L-LYSINE HYDROCHLORIDE); ISOLEUCINE; VALINE; HISTIDINE; THREONINE; TRYPTOPHAN; L-ALANINE; GLYCINE; ARGININE; PROLINE; TYROSINE; SERINE; LEUCINE560 MG / 100 ML; 400 MG / 100 ML; 580 MG / 100 ML; 600 MG / 100 ML; 580 MG / 100 ML; 480 MG / 100 ML; 420 MG / 100 ML; 180 MG / 100 ML; 2.07 G / 100 ML; 1.03 G / 100 ML; 1.15 G / 100 ML; 680 MG / 100 ML; 40 MG / 100 ML; 500 MG / 100 ML; 730 MG / 100 MLSOLUTIONINTRAVENOUS
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Summary Reports

Summary Safety Review - Amino-acid solutions for parenteral nutrition - Assessing the potential risk of death in premature infants when the solutions are not protected from light

Consumer Information

The Consumer Information is not yet available in the Drug and Health Product Register. Try searching on the active ingredient(s) to find other similar products.

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